Same as me, SY lives in Hong Kong for a long time because of pursuing her degree, she also worked in Hong Kong before, but her memory of Hong Kong still stopping at Clear Water Bay, where she lived in Hong Kong when she was a child. Now she doesn’t seem very used to the urban environment here. When talking about housing and food, she showed a very disappointed look, but when referring to the professional field, SY said that “Hong Kong is a female friendly city, working here can get equal rewards.” She misses the feeling of being busy with work before. Now she lives in Kowloon, when she mentioned the dense crowds and complex terrain in Kowloon, she sighed. She misses the life in the mainland China, missed the flat road and wide view.

SY is very supportive of my research project. She took me to a waterfront promenade near Tseung Kwan O for a sound walk. Compared with the bustling urban area, Tseung Kwan O does not seem so lively. There are pedestrians strolling here in twos and threes, and some people ride bicycles, play skateboards here. The bluetooth speakers played old golden songs from Hong Kong and mainland China many years ago. “I like this place very much, one is because it is open, and the other is because it is far away from the place where I go to school and where I need to ‘work hard’, and the scenery here is very good, and this coastal promenade does not need to walk for a long time. I The first element in choosing a place is its terrain, it must be a plain, I don’t want to be too tired, and I like cycling, this is very suitable.” SY lived in this area during the epidemic, she said online She is particularly comfortable living here during office hours. “There are many elements of life here, people, pets, business, sports, and a variety of activities take place here, which can meet your many needs. The reason why I chose to record here is also because I think there are many possibilities here.”

SY feels that the sound environment here is very comfortable, there is not too much noise, even though there are many pets, but they won’t bark, and she said it is more comfortable at night. There were construction sounds in some areas we passed, I asked SY if she was disgusted by the sound of construction, she said, “I am not, because most of the time I will walk here with earphones, unless the outside noise is so loud that I take I can’t bear it if I can hear the earphones. For example, if someone plays ‘Drunken Butterfly’ too loudly, I will be disgusted. And in an open place, it will be more difficult for the noise to spread, and the sound may take a long time Only then can it reach our ears.” She said that when she usually walks on this road, she feels that she always regards the surrounding sounds as background sounds, which are all white noise, which can make her feel peaceful, but she said this time she is very happy. She heard different sounds clearly, and she didn’t notice some harsh and abrupt sounds around her before, but during this sound walk, she felt that all the sounds were amplified. SY will stop and record during the voice walking process. The places she chooses are the places she usually goes to. These places make her feel peaceful, and she can enjoy the scenery, which meets all her requirements for the environment. She said that after this event, she found that this place is not likely to be stared at by men. Everyone is doing their own thing, and walking here makes her feel very comfortable. SY is looking forward to leaving Hong Kong as soon as possible. She is not used to the living environment here, and she is looking forward to leaving this place close to the sea as soon as possible, hoping that she can return to live in the place she likes.